LATIN: Isopyrum thalictroides L.

Family : Ranunculaceae
Flowering Cévennes: 4 - 5 . Light: shade. . Moisture: damp
Sample Cévenol GPS : 44°38.70' N 3°03.42' E
Status: Endemic; not under threat in this region

Isopyre faux pigamon
Famille : Ranunculaceae
Floraison Cévennes : 4 - 5 . Lumière: ombrage. . . Humidité: humide
Exemple Cévenol GPS : 44°38.70' N 3°03.42' E
Statut : Endemique ; pas menacé dans ce région
Habitat :
Isopyre faux pigamon
Isopyrum thalictroides

(modifié de Coste, Flore de la France 1937) :

Souche vivace, rampante, à fibres épaisses, fasciculées ; tige de 10-25 cm, grêle, nue à la base, glabre ;
Écologie : (répartition d'après la flore) Champs cultivés, dans le Bas-Dauphiné et la Provence.
Répartition hors de France : Espagne ; Tauride ; Caucase ; Asie occidentale

Rue-anemone plant

(modified from Wiki):
NOTE: the French text is more complete and up-to-date

A hairless plant growing from tuberous roots, with upright 10-30 cm tall, stems which end with flowers.
Ecology UK: not native to the UK
Distribution outside France: ?

Carte (c.2023) grâce à Tela Botanica

Information & Carte (c.2023) France/International grâce à INPN

Fleurs : d'un blanc pur, peu nombreuses, pédonculées, bractéolées ; sépales 5, pétaloides, caducs ; pétales 5, très petits, contractés à la base, ouverts en cornet ;

Rue-anemone flower

Flowers: are borne singularly, or in umbel -like inflorescences with 3 to 6 flowers. The flowers have short stems that hold the fully opened flowers above the foliage. The involucral bracts are 3-foliolate, and shaped like the leaves. The showy rounded flowers have many yellow stamens in the middle, and a cup of white to pinkish-lavender sepals .
Flowering UK:

Feuilles : glabres, biternées, à folioles trilobées, munies de stipules membraneuses ;

Rue-anemone leaf

Leaves: The basal leaves have 10 to 30 cm long petioles and leaf blades that are 2×-ternately compound. The leaflets are widely rounded in shape and the ends are three lobed .

Fruit : follicules 1-3, sessiles, ovales, fortement comprimés, à bec droit, plus court qu'eux.

Rue-anemone fruit

Fruit: achenes, 3 to 4.5 mm long, ovoid to fusiform shaped. The green achenes have 8 to 10 prominent veins and become dark brown when ripe.